Advocacy Alerts
Advocacy Alert: Courier Square Phase II Bar Review
preservation-admin , September 20, 2021
Overall site plan for the Courier Square Phase II redevelopment proposal with four buildings: an 8-story mixed-use residential building at 635 King Street; a 15-unit apartment building with ground-floor retail at the corner of King and Line; a 50-unit apartment building at the corner of St. Philip at Line; and 28-unit apartment building at 230 St. Philip
On Wednesday, the Board of Architectural Review-Large will review the first several buildings proposed as part of the redevelopment of the northern portion of the block bound by King, Line, and St. Phillip Streets, known as Courier Square Phase II. Earlier this year, the site was rezoned to Mixed-Use/Workforce Housing, and height districts were increased to 3.5 stories along St. Phillip Street and 7 stories facing King Street. The three smaller buildings, shown on the site plan above, will be considered for conceptual approval this week, while the largest building on King Street will come forward at a later meeting. From our understanding, the larger building will include a request for an additional 8th story based on architectural merit.
Renderings of proposed buildings at 649 King (L) and 244 St. Phillip Street (R)
Courier Square Phase II will be a highly impactful project that will forever change the architectural landscape of this part of the city, and we encourage you to keep a close eye on it as it progresses. The Preservation Society has reviewed the plans closely with the project team and will present thoughtful comments to the BAR to encourage an enhanced design that is more responsive and contributory to the context of upper King Street and the Cannonborough-Elliottborough neighborhood.
View the agenda and image overview, and tune into the BAR-L meeting Wednesday at 4:30 via Zoom. We will be sure to keep you informed as this project moves forward.
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