Celebrating the Very Best of Preservation

The Carolopolis Awards seek to promote excellence in historic preservation through recognition of exceptional projects that protect the historic resources of Charleston and the Lowcountry. After more than 1,400 awards given, the Carolopolis Award has become as much a part of the fabric of the city as the buildings it honors.

Learn more about this year's Awards
Since 1953

The History of Carolopolis

Today, Charleston is a much different city than when the Preservation Society awarded its first Carolopolis in 1953. The demands of preservation in Charleston have expanded and with it so too has the Carolopolis Award program. Learn more about the Carolopolis Award categories by exploring below.

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  • The Carolopolis Award is not presented for what would otherwise be considered routine maintenance. Award-winning projects are significant undertakings in historic preservation, rehabilitation, restoration, or new construction.
  • Projects must have been completed within the last three years, with approval of the Board of Architectural Review, if applicable.
  • All work must be completed by submission date of the nomination. Incomplete or partial projects will not be awarded.
  • Additions will only be considered as part of a larger rehabilitation, restoration or preservation project.
  • Anyone can nominate projects with the consent of the property owner. Self-nominations are welcome.
  • Applicants must be members of the Preservation Society. Please contact Mike Olson at molson@preservationsociety.org or (843) 722-4630 ext. 116 to verify membership status.
nomination form

Exterior Award

Awarded for exceptional rehabilitation, restoration, or preservation.

42 South Street, 2022 Exterior Carolopolis Award winner, owner: William Easterlin, Mulberry Street Development, project team: William Jefferson, AAQ Construction Services


Interior Award

Awarded in recognition of excellence in interior preservation of  historic, publicly accessible buildings including but not limited to houses of worship, as well as civic and cultural buildings.

Sottile Theater, 2021 Interior Carolopolis Award winner, owner: College of Charleston, architect: McMillan Pazdan Smith, contractor: AJAX Building Company


Pro Merito Award

Awarded to properties that received a Carolopolis at least twenty years ago and have maintained a high standard of preservation or have undergone a second, significant exterior rehabilitation, restoration, or preservation effort.

129 Queen Street, 2017 Pro Merito Award winner, owner: Craig and Kate Coit, architect: David Richards, contractor: Paul Koenig, Crest Contractors, LLC


New Construction Award

Awarded to bring focus to creative design solutions for small-scale, compatible infill buildings in historic contexts. Residential, commercial, and mixed-use buildings are all eligible.

17 Trumbo Street, 2019 Carolopolis Award for New Construction winner, owner: Beckie and Scott Hoffman, architect: LFA Architecture, contractor: Stono Construction


Resilience Award

Awarded to projects that sensitively adapt historic properties to changing climate conditions, while adhering to best practices for historic preservation, and retaining the integrity and character of the structure.

8 Franklin Street, 2022 Resilience Carolopolis Award winner, owner: John and Linda Spratt, architect: Byers Collaborative, contractor: Artis Construction

70th Carolopolis Award Winners

Each year, the Preservation Society celebrates the best of preservation in Charleston and the Lowcountry through the Carolopolis Award program. This year’s award winners included 12 unique projects that represent the highest standard for preservation and design.

See All Winners Here