Advocacy Alerts
Advocacy Update: St. Julian Devine Smokestacks
preservation-admin , October 14, 2020
The PSC is pleased to report that during yesterday’s Ways and Means Committee meeting, City Council members voted to pursue the preservation of the St. Julian Devine smokestacks. After weeks of contentious conversation, it was decided a task force should be created with representatives from Council, the Eastside neighborhood, the preservation community, and City Staff to explore engineering and funding solutions for the smokestacks. The PSC looks forward to serving as part of this task force, which will work alongside preservation engineer, Craig Bennett, and report back to Council with a definitive recommendation no later than January 2021.
Click here and advance to minute mark 8:10 to listen to the discussion on the smokestacks at Ways and Means.
This is a major step in the right direction and demonstrates the effectiveness of community engagement. Thank you to all who stood with the PSC and Eastside neighborhood in the effort to save the smokestacks. Your voices were heard! Stay tuned.