Advocacy Alerts

Grant Awarded for Phillips Community National Register Nomination

preservation-admin , January 15, 2021


Last month, the PSC received the exciting news that the National Trust for Historic Preservation awarded a grant in support of the nomination of the Phillips Community to the National Register of Historic Places. Under constant threat of encroaching suburban development, a National Register designation will be critical to communicate the local and national significance of this 19th century African American settlement community and defend its intact, historic landscape. The PSC is honored to undertake this project in partnership with the Coastal Conservation League and Historic Charleston Foundation, with the support of Phillips Community residents.

Efforts are already underway to research and document the history and significance of the Phillips Community toward the completion of the nomination. The timing of this project is crucial, as the proposal to widen Highway 41, which runs directly through Phillips, is expected to go before Charleston County Council early this year. Known as the “Alternative 1” plan, the road widening would destroy the physical landscape of Phillips and reduce quality of life, as well as sense of community for residents. We look forward to bringing heightened awareness to the importance of preserving this significant, historic settlement community through the National Register nomination process. Stay tuned for more information as the National Register initiative develops, and how you can make your voice heard on the Highway 41 proposal.

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