Advocacy Alerts
Laurel Island PUD to be heard at City Council
preservation-admin , September 10, 2020
Laurel Island PUD Conceptual Base Plan
In August, the Planning Commission unanimously recommended approval of the Laurel Island Planned Unit Development (PUD), in spite of resounding community concern and a multitude of unanswered questions. In addition to concerns with the plan, the PSC was troubled by challenges to adequate and effective public participation at the meeting—namely that the numerous public comments submitted were not read into the record in their entirety. Read the PSC’s coverage of the August meeting here.
The plan is anticipated to go to City Council for a public hearing on September 22. Given that the impact of public input on the Laurel Island PUD was minimized at Planning Commission, it is all the more important that City Council hear from the community on this proposal. The PSC will keep you updated on how you can make your voice heard as we continue to urge the developer and the City to address residents’ concerns. Thank you to all who have stood with us on this important project.
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