The Laurel Island Planned Unit Development (PUD) is up for review at next week’s August 19 Planning Commission meeting via Zoom. The proposal calls for a high-density, mixed-use development of the 196-acre island just north of downtown, which will undoubtedly be one of the largest and most impactful projects in Charleston’s history.
To learn more about the project:
- View the August 19 Planning Commission Agenda
- Review the Planning Commission Agenda Package
- Explore the project website
- Review the PSC’s comments from the July 15 meeting of the Planning Commission
Please see information below on how to engage and make your voice heard on this important proposal.
The Planning Commission meeting will take place tomorrow, August 19 at 5:00pm. To review the agenda click here, and to review the application materials click here.
- To access via phone, dial 1 (301) 715-8592, and when prompted enter meeting ID# 853 0771 7064
- To access via Zoom, click on the following link:
All comments and requests to speak must be submitted by 12:00PM tomorrow, Wednesday August 19. Public Comment Instructions:
- Sign-up to speak during the meeting or submit written comments by completing the form at
- Request to speak or leave a comment via email to or via voice mail at 843-724-3765. Be sure to provide your name, address, and telephone number.
The following are the PSC’s recommendations on the Laurel Island PUD that we encourage you to echo in your comments to the Planning Commission.
- Land Use: A more specific land use plan is needed for the community to understand how uses will be distributed throughout the site, as well as the ultimate vision for how the development will be built-out.
- Workforce Housing: The requirement for permanent Workforce Housing should be increased from 10% to 20% of all housing on Laurel Island.
- Green Space: The PUD must commit to a higher percentage of usable open space; while 40 acres are envisioned, only 10 acres are required.
- Design Review Process: The proposed design review process, calling for an internal review board, should be strengthened to provide greater opportunity for public review and City oversight of new construction on Laurel Island.
- Traffic Impacts: With the construction of two new bridges proposed, more clarity is needed on potential impacts to upper peninsula roadways and neighborhoods.
- Community Outreach: Most importantly, due to the effects of COVID-19 and limitations of virtual public engagement, we ask the developer and the City to pause and undertake more meaningful outreach to surrounding neighborhoods.