The PSC recognizes that engaging in the public process can be daunting and sometimes confusing. As part of an ongoing series, Public Meetings 101, we are covering a different public meeting each month to give you the tools you need to stand up for Charleston.
The Planning Commission is a nine-member citizen advisory board who reviews planning items such as rezonings, subdivisions, zonings, and ordinance amendments. Members are selected from a cross section of industries and backgrounds to bring a balanced range of skillsets to the review process. The Planning Commission is required to carefully consider impacts on community character, as well as compatibility with the City’s comprehensive plan and other land use policies. Planning Commission recommendations are subsequently sent to City Council for consideration.
WHERE AND WHEN. The Planning Commission usually meets the third Wednesday of the month at 5:00 PM. Meetings are held in the first-floor public meeting room at the Gaillard Center, 2 George Street. Parking is available in the adjacent Gaillard garage at 33 Alexander Street.
WHAT TO EXPECT. The Chairperson begins the meeting with an overview of rules and procedures. City Staff then presents each item and states the City’s recommendation. If present, the applicant may offer additional comments or a brief presentation, followed by opportunity for public comment. The Commission will then discuss the matter and vote to recommend approval or disapproval of the request. (If you cannot attend in person, comments may be submitted to Christopher Morgan, Planning Manager, at
NEXT STEPS. Planning Commission recommendations are subsequently heard and acted upon by City Council. To overturn a recommended disapproval by the Planning Commission, a favorable 3/4 vote of all members of City Council is required, as opposed to the usual simple majority vote. Upcoming and archived Planning Commission agenda packages, City Council agendas, and meeting information can be found on the PSC website.
With all of the challenges facing the city, your civic engagement is more important than ever. For more information, visit the PSC’s Advocacy Toolkit or contact us at