Charleston City Plan

State law requires municipal governments in South Carolina to maintain comprehensive plans to guide their growth. In Charleston, the 2021 City Plan is meant to guide land use planning, policy, and investment in the city through 2030. The Plan sets forth recommendations to aid decision-makers in managing change in nine key elements: Population, Natural Resources, Cultural Resources, Economic Development, Transportation, Priority Investment, Housing, Land Use, and Resilience & Equity.

The Preservation Society engaged as an active stakeholder throughout the City Plan drafting process, hosting a virtual community engagement session with our partners at the Coastal Conservation League, and providing detailed feedback to City Planning Staff. Our input played a key role in shaping enhanced recommendations on issues of underrepresented heritage, housing affordability, growth management, and the tourism industry.

As the Plan is integrated into day-to-day decision-making in Charleston, the PSC is committed to partnering with the City to advance innovative planning initiatives to ensure meaningful protections for threatened cultural resources and promote resilient, urban design. Given the City Plan only provides overarching recommendations, the PSC remains vigilant as key areas are targeted for new development, including Union Pier and the Cainhoy peninsula. These areas, while poised for growth, must be planned with an articulated vision consistent with Charleston’s distinct character and with respect for the natural environment.


Charleston City Plan

What is the City Plan?

City of Charleston Planning Commission

South Carolina Local Government Comprehensive Planning Enabling Act of 1994

Preservation Society of Charleston Feedback on City Plan draft, April 30, 2021

Shape the Future: Comprehensive Plan Virtual Engagement Session (Preservation Society of Charleston and the Coastal Conservation League)

PSC Blog: Union Pier Omitted as Council Considers City Plan

PSC Blog: City Plan Adopted, Sets Priorities For Charleston’s Next Decade