The c. 1840 Robert Shands Smith House prominently overlooks Colonial Lake in the heart of Harleston Village. Learn more about preservation methods, architectural history, construction, and craftsmanship as we explore this ongoing restoration project. The tour will be followed by light refreshments and the opportunity for further discussion with the project team. $75 per person […]
Join us and our community partners to celebrate the installation of a new State historic marker at Gibbes Landing. Located at the mouth of Halsey Creek, Gibbes Landing was a significant point in the Siege of Charleston during the American Revolution. The marker dedication and unveiling will be followed by a neighborhood block party. Free […]
The Preservation Society of Charleston and Anson Street African Burial Ground Project invite you to join us on Tuesday, June 11, 5:30 – 7:30 PM at ILA Hall (1142 Morrison Dr.) for a Mapping Charleston’s Black Burial Grounds Project Preview. Following a year-long engagement period, this will be the community's first look at the draft map […]